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Bath&Bodyworks Candles

Art Director: Marissa Xiong

Copywriter: Sydney White

Insight: What is a Momfectionist? It's someone who is in the unattainable and endless pursuit of perfection, and also happens to be a mother. A Momfectionist can often be found:

  • constantly cleaning

  • drowning in responsibilities 

  • indulging in feelings of failure 

But the thing is, no one has their life together. Especially moms. You deserve inner peace, even when everything else in your life is just so...not.

Idea: Light a candle. Be present. Know peace.

Bath & Bodyworks

Grab life by the candle: Online videos

These 15-second spots invoke the stress that moms face on the daily. B&BW's candles offer a moment of peace and contemplation.

Relaxation corner with Spotify

B&BW curates calming Spotify playlists, timed to the recommended burn time of their candles, complete with recommended scents. No matter how your life is going, you can put on the playlist, light your preferred candle, and take a moment to just unwind.

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Embrace your mess with Pinterest

With B&BW curated Pinterest boards, moms can come together to subvert the expectation of a picture-perfect home and family; it's time to embrace the mess of a life well-lived.

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