Marissa Xiong
Art Director: Marissa Xiong
Copywriters: Sydney White,
Created for the 2023 YoungOnes One Show (brief here).
Insight: What’s the one thing all Gen Z'ers have in common? An unlimited supply of rage. Whether it’s from apocalyptic climate threats or everyday annoyances, that teenage angst has just transformed into full-fledged fury. Especially among gamers. But they’ve learned the secret: violent video games are the perfect way to vent.
Idea: Diablo’s gory gameplay and its team-based mission make it a perfect way to release healthy anger while relaxing with friends. That’s why we’re calling for Gen Z to Rage With the Machine.
Rage with the machine
Posters & Wildpostings
During the biggest gaming convention of the year, E3 2023, Diablo will put up posters and wildpostings in subways and around Los Angeles. These posters depict everyday frustrations that drive us to unreasonable rage - and how Diablo can be the perfect outlet for all your violent desires.

The Angel and the Diablo: Therapy Chat
This Discord Bot feature would either sympathize with the player’s complaints and provide uplifting messages as the Angel, or encourage venting healthy anger as the Diablo.

Rage Room Dungeon
Diablo will host a pop-up rage room, where players are given weapons from the game to unleash their wrath in a real-life replica of a Diablo IV dungeon. Participants are encouraged to dress up as their favorite Diablo character. As each wall is smashed, it reveals a different environment/level that players need to escape in order to receive their prize: and early-access playthrough of Diablo IV.